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Entrepreneurial Course for Technical Colleges

When I met with Mr. Kazumi Yoshida, the Chief Advisor of our company, he told me that "from now on, technical college students who decide their own career path in their teens will be the key to the revival of Japan" and told me about the concept of technical college entrepreneurs.

Since then, I've been working hard and have made some progress, so I'd like to write about it on my blog and ask for your opinions.

To begin with, both Mr. Jobs and Mr. Gates have been familiar with computers since they were very young and have been striving for business development.

In Japan, the equivalent age group is technical college students.

I have three children of my own, and I have seen many of them showing their great talents in computers and robotics at their junior and senior high school cultural festivals. Later, when I asked my children, "What happened to that person? Later, when I asked my children, "What happened to that person?", they seemed to be struggling to grow, as I imagined from the university they entered.

In the case of technical college students, I think it is a very good system because they decide their career path at a young age and deepen their technical field.

However, I think that liberal arts, English, and practical subjects are still an issue.

With the above as a background, for the past year or two I have been searching for a way to provide practical, cutting-edge education for technical college students.

This time, I had an opportunity to discuss with the UCLA Japan Center in the KOIL at Kashiwanoha Campus, and a venture company consisting mainly of technical college graduates.

I have written a draft of the curriculum for a tentative Entrepreneurship Course at the College of Technology.

As a result of this discussion, several things were discussed, including the possibility of sponsoring an online class from a U.S. university, and the possibility of having a face-to-face meeting with the students.

We will be able to offer face-to-face classes at Kashiwanoha Campus from time to time.

Ideas for double-majoring in MBA and computer science.

We have also come up with an idea to incorporate the hackathon itself into the class to create a practical class.

We are working hard to open the course next year.

If you have any questions about this blog, please feel free to contact us through the contact page.



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