2020年4月7日Intern Blog by Mr. Ken Honda / インターンブログ(本多 賢さん)My name is Ken Honda and I was an intern at OrangeTechLab (OTL) for a little less than two years from June 2018. In this blog, I would...
2020年4月2日What I've been through in a year / 私が1年間で経験してきたことMy name is Takumi Owada, and I have been working at Orange Tech Lab as an intern. While I was doing research as a graduate student in...
2020年3月24日A special experiment in a yearMy one-year-internship started in Feb.2019 as a cooperation between Ohwada Lab of Tokyo University of Science where I were studying about...
2020年3月24日Report about 3D Facial Reconstruction by our Intern, Mr. Hafiz Muhammad Umair Munir / インターン生Hafiz MuWe welcomed Mr. Hafiz Muhammad Umair Munir from Tokai University as 2020 winter intern of JAICA. Please find his report as below. GitLab...
2018年5月16日My future vision acquired by US study trip for three weeks/ 3週間のアメリカ訪問で獲得した私の将来像6 months have passed since I started internship at Orange Tech Lab. When I began internship, I thought VR was something interesting and...
2017年11月13日VRの魅力をお伝えします!!オレンジテクラボで先月からインターンを始めました高木友貴です。 VRの魅力をお伝えする前に、文系の私がAI、Deep Leaningを中心とするIT企業のオレンジテクラボでインターンをするに至った経緯を簡単にお伝えしたいと思います。...